Dr. Mawhinney is available for workshops or consulting with K-16 educational institutions for teachers, staff, students, and parents and non-profit educational and research organizations. Inquire about her services here.

  • In-depth 45-60 minute talks across a diverse array of topics.

  • Equity audits assist in supporting organizations in exploring their approaches to policies, programs, and practices in an equitable and fair manner. This service includes extensive data collection: qualitative data collection (e.g. interviews, focus groups, community forums, and observations), quantitative data collection (e.g. surveys), and data analysis of organizational materials (e.g. reports, curriculums, and the like). Gaen Knowledges’ equity audits have been conducted in educational and healthcare spaces, but are not limited to those spaces.

  • Focuses on community-engaged qualitative and quantitative research to inform more equitable programming and policy in clinical health settings.

  • Program evaluations explore various organizations as a whole (e.g., schools, hospitals) or a specific program within an organization. Evaluations are systemic with data collection and focus on the client's needs.

  • The visits usually run 45-60 minutes in length for one event or up to three 45-60 minute sessions for an all-day event with book signings.

  • These are 30-60 minute workshops spanning from kindergarten to 12th grade. These various workshops focus on the love of writing, art, and creativity.